General information and basics
- System requirements
- Login procedure
- Two-step authentication
- Logout, managing active sessions
- Quick overview: Elements in the DRACOON Web App
- Select items
Files and folders
- See activities of a data room
- Upload files/folders to DRACOON
- Virus protection
- Work with files: Details view with preview, open with DRACOON app, download, copy direct link
- Files: Expiration date, classification and description
- Files: use comments
Shares and file requests
- Create new share (download share)
- View, search, and filter list of all existing shares and file requests
- View existing shares of a file, folder, or dataspace and reuse them if necessary.
- Determine the number of previous downloads of a share
- Change settings and notification of a share afterwards
- Setting options for releases
Users and groups
- Create users
- Guest users
- Roles to manage DRACOON
- Deny a room administrator to see the DRACOON user list
- Temporarily lock users or automatically delete them after a key date (expiration date)
- Determine group memberships of a user
Data rooms
- Create new data room
- Limit the storage space of a data room (set quota)
- Data room settings (classification, default classification and default expiration period for files, retention period in recycle bin).
- Add individual users to a data room
- Add groups to a data room
- Add users/groups to multiple data rooms
- Settings: System
- Settings: Policies
- Settings: Security
- Settings: Apps (incl. OAuth app registration)
- Settings: Storage (S3 Object Storage)
- Settings: Logging
- Troubleshooting the DRACOON Web App by creating a HAR log file
- PROBLEM: Emails from DRACOON are not delivered because they are wrongly misclassified and blocked as phishing emails by Microsoft 365
- PROBLEM: Encryption cannot be enabled for a data room
- PROBLEM: Encrypted file cannot be downloaded or shared due to missing file keys
- PROBLEM: Error message "This application requires cookies" appears when opening a DRACOON Web App page in Safari
- PROBLEM: DRACOON emails are displayed incorrectly in Outlook when dark mode is enabled