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Who is allowed to block or expire users in DRACOON?
Only users who have the role of User Manager may Block users or give them an expiration date.
Temporarily lock users
Certain users can be temporarily locked in DRACOON if necessary - the affected users can then no longer log in to DRACOON or access any data rooms until further notice. The blocking of a user can be lifted again at any time.
To lock a user in DRACOON:
- Click Settings in the left sidebar. The user management is displayed.
In the row of the user to be locked, click Edit on the right side. Or: Double-click on the desired user. -
To quickly find a desired user, type part of the username you are looking for in the Search user field at the top and press the ENTER key.
- AIn the Edit user dialog box at the bottom, select the Lock user check box..
- Click the Save button.
- The user is immediately locked and can no longer log in to DRACOON. The lock is visible by the lock symbol next to the user in the user list.
A user manager cannot lock itself - locking is possible only by other user managers.
Automatically delete users after a key date (expiration date)
Sometimes certain users should only have access to data rooms in DRACOON for a limited period of time (e.g. until completion of a project) and are then no longer required in DRACOON. For such cases an expiration date can be set for a user, after which the user is automatically deleted from DRACOON..
How to set an expiration date for a user in DRACOON:
- Click Settings in the left sidebar. The user administration is displayed.
- Highlight the desired user.
To quickly find a desired user, type part of the username you are looking for at the top of the Search user field and press ENTER.
- Select an expiration date for the user in the right sidebar. The expiration date is the last day the user can still use DRACOON.
- The user has an expiration date from now on, after which he will be automatically deleted from DRACOON. The set expiration date is visible in the user list at the user in the column Expires.
- As long as the expiration date has not yet passed, it can also be set to a later day at any time (e.g. because a project completion is delayed and the user is needed longer after all) or removed completely, whereby the user remains permanently in DRACOON (until it is manually deleted)..
- If an expired and thus automatically deleted user is needed later and created again in DRACOON, all his former data room permissions and group memberships are lost and must be reassigned if necessary. Therefore an expiration date for users should be assigned with caution, and possibly it is advisable to lock a no longer needed user first (see above), instead of deleting it permanently..
- If a user is automatically deleted after the expiration date has passed, files uploaded by the user remain in DRACOON. However, if the user had a personal data room (when authenticating via Active Directory), this will also be deleted along with all the files in it.
A user cannot be assigned an expiration date if he is the only room administrator in a data room (each data room must always have at least one room admin which would then no longer be the case after the deletion of the user) or he is the only user in DRACOON who has a certain Role to manage DRACOON (if he is the only auditor in DRACOON, for example).
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