You can specify the following settings for a share when you create it or at any time later under Shares > Edit:
Specifies that the share is time limited. The date determines the last day on which the release can still be used. After that the share is deleted (the shared element itself remains in DRACOON, of course)..
If you do not set an expiration date, the share will remain active until you manually delete it from the shares (left sidebar).
Your configuration manager may have a default expiration period for releases defined. Beim Anlegen einer Aktie wird in diesem Fall automatisch ein entsprechendes Verfallsdatum gesetzt (z.B. auf 30 Tage nach der Erstellung). Sie können dieses automatisch zugewiesene Verfallsdatum für eine neue Freigabe bei Bedarf ändern oder entfernen.
By default, anyone who knows the link to a share can use it. If you want to restrict a share to a specific group of users, you can protect it with a password. The users of the share must then enter the password before they can download or preview the shared item (for PDF files, images, and videos)..
To enable password protection, select the Password check box and enter any password that complies with the password policy in the field next to it. Alternativ können Sie auf die Schaltfläche klicken, um automatisch ein zufälliges sicheres Kennwort erstellen zu lassen, das Sie anschließend mit der Schaltfläche
(rechts daneben) zur Weitergabe in die Zwischenablage kopieren können.
Special feature for encrypted data rooms: Shares of files from encrypted data rooms always require a password.
Password constraint depending on classification (policy): The configuration manager may have defined the policy that shares must always be password protected if the shared item has a certain minimum classification (e.g. confidential). In this case, the password option is automatically enabled and a password must be set for the share.
Additional setting: Send password via SMS
For security reasons, the password for releases should not be passed on together with the release link, but in a separate way. DRACOON offers therefore the possibility to send the password by SMS. If you wish this, activate the check box Send password by SMS and then enter in the field Mobile phone number the desired phone numbers to which DRACOON should send an SMS with the password. If you want to send the SMS to several phone numbers, enter them one after the other and separated by a semicolon (;).
SMS sending not available? If the Send password via SMS checkbox is not present, then SMS password sending is not enabled for your DRACOON environment. If necessary, contact your configuration manager so that he can activate the SMS password dispatch in the settings.
Restriction on SMS sending for encrypted data rooms: Please note that for shares from encrypted data rooms the password cannot be sent via SMS.
In these cases, you must therefore manually communicate the release password to the recipient by other means, e.g. via chat.
The reason for this restriction is that the release password must be sent in plain text via the SMS gateway. Since the password is also used to decrypt the downloaded files in encrypted data rooms, there would be a security risk here. DRACOON's strict security concept stipulates that decryption passwords must never leave the user's terminal device and are never stored anywhere in clear text. This principle would be violated if decryption passwords were sent in clear text via SMS..
Password forwarding without SMS: If you do not send the password via SMS, please remember to manually communicate it to the intended users of the share, otherwise they will not be able to use the share. For security reasons, it is best not to send the password together with the share link, but in a separate way, e.g. via chat, if you send the link by e-mail.
If you want to specify additional settings for the share, click Additional settings. After that, a new dialog box is displayed where you can specify even more settings for the share:
Name of the share. By default, this is the name of the shared item (file, folder, or data room). However, you can also assign a different name.
The name is displayed in the overview of all shares (click on Shares in the left sidebar) as well as on the public web page of the share.
A name must be assigned for each share - either the default one or a modified one.
Specifies that the name of the DRACOON user who created the share is displayed publicly on the shares web page.
In this way, for example, the contact person for the release can be communicated.
Specifies that the file can be downloaded through this share only a limited number of times. You can enter the number of allowed downloads in the Max. Number field, which becomes visible after activating the setting.
The limit refers to the shared downloads of all users of the share. Once the limit is reached, no further download is possible for anyone - unless you subsequently increase or remove it again.
Multiple downloads of the shared item by a particular user, made within a session (i.e. during a particular login) by that user, count only as a single download. This allows a single user to retry a failed download immediately afterwards, if necessary, without affecting the download limit. On the other hand, if the user logs in again to perform the download of the share, this counts as an additional download.
If you limit the number of downloads and share a single image, video, or PDF, the image, video, or PDF cannot be previewed on the sharing page, but can only be downloaded.
Gives you the option of storing an internal note for the release. Here you can document, for example, the purpose or intended user group of the release..
The internal note is displayed in the overview of created shares for each share in the right sidebar and can be viewed by all DRACOON users who are allowed to use shares in the data room.
Specifies that an additional sharing annotation is displayed on the sharing public web page. You can enter the annotation text in the field below the setting after you enable the setting.
You can use the annotation to provide users with additional information about the share, such as its purpose and content.
If you expect international users of the share, it may be useful to add the note additionally also in English under the note in German.
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