This article describes how to determine the currently active shares of a particular file, folder, or data space and how to reuse them if necessary.
Examples of use:
- Before creating a new share, check whether a matching share may already exist that can be reused without having to create another new share.
- Before deleting a file, check whether there may still be important shares for the file, which is why the file should not be deleted..
Determine the existing shares of a file, folder or data space
- Highlight the file, folder or data room whose existing shares you want to see.
- If there are already shares for the element, their number is displayed in the right sidebar under Information:
If the x shares active display is missing, no shares currently exist for this element.
- Click on the x shares active display (outlined in red above in the example).
Alternatively, you can right-click the desired item (e.g. file) and use the Show created shares command in the context menu.:
- All existing shares of the element are listed.
Example: Listing of all existing releases of the file Meeting Notes.docx
Useful information about an existing release
- For each share it is displayed by which user and when it was created.
- If you are interested in how often a share has been used (downloaded) so far, highlight the desired share. In the right sidebar, under Information at the very bottom, the number of previous downloads via this share is displayed.
- There may be an internal note for the share that provides useful further information about the purpose of this share. The internal note - if available - is displayed in the right sidebar after highlighting a share:
Reuse an existing share without creating a new share
- If you want to reuse an existing share, be sure to check its current settings first to see if they are suitable for your purpose. To do this, highlight the share you want to use, and check the right sidebar to see what settings are currently active for the share. In the following example, the share has an expiration date set, which means it can only be used for a limited time, and password protection is also active:
WIf the current settings of the share do not fit your new use, it is best to create a new share, for which you can then specify the desired settings.
- When you have found an existing share with matching settings, click Copy link in the share's row to copy the share's existing link to the clipboard:
You can then share the copied link with desired users of the share. Note: Instead of copying the link and forwarding it manually, you can also send it by e-mail directly from the DRACOON Web App. To do this, highlight the desired share and click Send link by e-mail in the right sidebar.:
Required password forwarding: If you forward the share link of a password-protected share, you must provide the intended users of the share with the password set for the share, otherwise they will not be able to use the share. If you do not know the password of the share, create a new share, and set a separate password for them.
Who is allowed to list and reuse existing releases?
Users need the Manage shares permission in the data room the share refers to in order to see the share. This permission is included in the Edit permission grouping.
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