When trying to save files on a drive/volume created with DRACOON for Windows/Mac in a specific data room, a message appears that the file cannot be saved because there is not enough space.
However, there is enough space available in the data room—no space limit (quota) has been set for the room by the room administrator.
Files can be saved in other data rooms without any problems.
The storage space message is displayed not only when storage space is missing, but also when the user in question does not have delete permission in the data room.
Due to the file versioning of DRACOON, a user needs the "Delete files and folders" permission in a data room to be able to create and/or update files in the room. If this permission is missing, DRACOON for Windows/Mac opens the data room in read-only mode, which programs like File Explorer interpret as "Not enough space available" and then display a corresponding message.
Contact a room administrator of the data room to grant the user the "Delete files and folders" permission in this room. The easiest way to do this is to assign the "Edit" permission grouping to the user, because the "Delete files and folders" permission is included in this grouping.
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