The synchronization of DRACOON for Windows/Mac fails for certain files and folders.
The affected files are either not uploaded to DRACOON or are not downloaded from DRACOON during synchronization.
The icons of the affected files are overlaid with red X icons. In addition, many folders in the drive's folder structure have red X icons.
Meaning of the red X icons
DRACOON for Windows/Mac will mark files and folders that cannot (currently) be synchronized with a red X icon to draw attention to a synchronization problem.
Even if only one file should have a synchronization problem and has a red X (see example above), many more red X icons may appear in the folder structure of the drive.
The reason: Not only the actual folder containing the problematic file gets a red X icon, but also all its parent folders—up to the top-level drive icon. This allows you to immediately detect a synchronization problem somewhere on the DRACOON drive, even if the folder structure is not expanded.
Immediate effects of a synchronization problem
The effect of the synchronization problem depends on what action you want to perform or last performed on the affected file:
If you want to open a file with a synchronization problem that currently only exists in DRACOON and does not yet exist on your PC/Mac, you cannot open the file in question and display and edit its contents, because it is not possible to download the file from DRACOON to your PC/Mac.
If you opened and edited a file that already existed in DRACOON, your changes were only saved on your PC/Mac. However, due to the synchronization problem, the version of the file you modified has not yet been uploaded to DRACOON—your new version of the file is therefore not yet available on other devices and for other users.
A file that you have created on your PC/Mac and saved in the DRACOON drive, but which has not yet been synchronized due to a synchronization problem and thus uploaded to DRACOON, cannot yet be used on other devices or by other users, and the file cannot yet be shared for download—after all, the file only exists on your PC/Mac and not yet in DRACOON.
Solution strategies
I. Locating the file causing a synchronization problem
If you see a red X icon in the DRACOON drive, you should first locate the file that is causing the synchronization problem. Please follow these steps:
- Click your way through the folder structure of the DRACOON drive from top to bottom until you have reached the lowest folder level that has a red X icon:
- Check the files in the folder for red X icons:
II. Determining the cause of the sychronization problem
After you have located the file that is causing the synchronization problem, in most cases, you can determine the actual cause of the problem by following these steps:
- Right-click the problematic file, and then point to Sync Options.
- A submenu appears where the cause of the synchronization problem is mentioned:
In this example, Download failed is stated as the cause of the synchronization problem (e.g. due to interruption of the Internet connection or temporary unavailability of the DRACOON environment).
In some cases, the cause of the synchronization problem is not displayed until you actually click the Retry menu item.
III. Solutions depending on the cause of the problem
Depending on the identified cause of the synchronization problem, different approaches are recommended to solve the problem:
- Some causes may require the assistance of other DRACOON users. For example, the cause Quota exceeded means that no more storage space in the data room is available and the file cannot be uploaded to DRACOON for this reason. In this case, contact the administrator of the affected data room so that he or she can increase the data room quota accordingly.
- In the case of temporary causes such as an interrupted Internet connection, the synchronization problem can usually be solved by retrying the synchronization after the cause has been rectified (e.g. re-establishing the Internet connection). To do this, right-click the affected item, point to Sync Options, and then click Retry:
- If the new synchronization attempt is unsuccessful, proceed as follows:
- Check if you are using the latest version of DRACOON for Windows/Mac (download page). If you are still using an earlier version, install the latest version, restart your PC/Mac, and try synchronizing again.
- If the problem reoccurs, move the problematic file to your desktop and then move it back to the original folder on the DRACOON drive. This "recreation" of the file on the DRACOON drive may result in the file being successfully synchronized.
- If the problem still persists, please activate the extended error logging in DRACOON for Windows/Mac (instructions), and then try synchronization again to log the problem.
Afterward, contact DRACOON Support and submit a support request (instructions); please describe the problem in as much detail as possible, and also submit the error log that was generated after you activated extended error logging.
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