This article explains how to rename a data room to DRACOON.
Who is allowed to rename data rooms?
- Data rooms, which are on the top level in DRACOON, may be renamed rename only those users, who have the role Room Manager.
- Data rooms below an existing data room (i.e. sub-rooms) may only be renamed by the room administrators of the superordinate data room, i.e. the data room in which the data room to be renamed is located. Users who only have the role of room manager but are not room administrators in this room are not allowed to rename subrooms.
Rename a data room
- Click the button to the right of the path navigation bar and then click Show all data rooms in the menu:
What does "Show all data rooms" do?
SBy default, DRACOON displays only the data rooms that you can use yourself (i.e. in which you have permissions, e.g. to upload).
As a room manager, however, you may rename all data rooms on the top level - even rooms in which you have no permissions.
The Show All Data Rooms command now causes all existing data rooms to be listed so that you can select the desired room to rename, even if you do not have permissions in it.
If Show All Data Rooms is enabled, data rooms that you can rename but not use yourself are displayed in light gray so that you can distinguish them from your usable rooms. - Right-click the data room you want to rename and click Rename on the shortcut menu.
Alternatively: Renaming is also possible by clicking on the data room name in question while pressing and holding down the
-key. - Enter a new name for the data room and press ENTER.
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