When Outlook starts, under the note "Slow and disabled add-ins" it appears that the add-in DRACOON for Outlook has been disabled by Outlook because it "caused the slow start of Outlook".
In the message, click Always activate this add-in and then click Apply.
If this is not displayed and therefore not possible, proceed as follows: Add the following value to the Windows registry so that the DRACOON Outlook Add-In remains permanently active regardless of its loading time:
- Registry key for Outlook 2016 (or higher) or Office 365:
Registry key for Outlook 2013:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Resiliency\DoNotDisableAddinList
If the subkey
does not yet exist, you must first create it. - Registry value:
DRACOON for Outlook
Note the required English designation (not DRACOON for Outlook)!
- Type of registry value:
- Contents of the registry value:
(hexadecimal value)
Then restart Outlook. The DRACOON Outlook Add-In should always be active after that and should not be deactivated by Outlook anymore.
More information
Outlook measures the loading time of each add-in when the program starts. Add-ins that take longer than one second to load are automatically disabled by Outlook and a notice is displayed that an add-in has slowed down the start of Outlook.
DRACOON for Outlook was optimized for the fastest possible startup, but on PCs without SSD drive (i.e. with traditional hard disk) it can take longer than one second to start, especially if Outlook is started immediately after a PC restart and the hard disk is still busy with additional startup processes (e.g. starting autostart programs in the background). Since Outlook is usually started only once a day and then remains active in the background, a minimal delay in starting Outlook should not be a problem.
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