DRACOON includes powerful reporting functionality. Auditors can create reports that provide information about events and user actions that have occurred in DRACOON. and user actions.
In this article you will get all necessary information about "Reports".
Topics of this article
- About reports in DRACOON.
- Create a new report.
- View completed one-time report
- View finished monthly report
- Share report
- List of unique reports created.
- List of monthly reports created.
- Pause, reactivate or exit monthly report.
- Create report template.
- Create new report based on report template.
- Edit report template
- Copy report template
- Delete report template
About reports in DRACOON
- Reports can be used to create a chronological log of events that have occurred in DRACOON. This can be, for example, all actions that a particular user has performed in a certain period in DRACOON.
- Reports make it possible, for example, to track events and user activities that have occurred in DRACOON, to document them or to subsequently evaluate them in Excel.
There are one-time and monthly reports: a one-time report is generated once immediately after creation and can cover any period of time, while a monthly report is automatically generated recurrently on a specific day of the month (e.g. every 15th of the month) and automatically refers to the previous month (the last e.g. 30 days starting from the generation day, e.g. May 14 - April 15 inclusive).
- The maximum period a report can cover depends on the audit log retention time (this can be set by the configuration manager). For example, if the retention time set in DRACOON is 90 days, a report can include at most the events of the last 90 days.
- In addition to the time period, reports can be narrowed down by 3 other criteria: User, Data Room and Action/Event Type. The desired criteria are specified when creating a report.
- Reports can be generated in up to 3 desired formats: as PDF, CSV (comma-separated text file) and CSV with semicolon separator (e.g. for later analysis in Excel).
- After a report is created by the auditor, the report is automatically generated by the DRACOON environment and provided as files in the desired formats in the data space requested by the auditor.
- The auditor can then make the finished report available to other DRACOON users if desired (e.g. by releasing the PDF report file to management).
- In the Overview of one-off reports<f/strong>, all one-off reports created in the last 7 days are listed for the auditor and can be opened directly from there at any time (unless they have been removed prematurely).
- In the Monthly Reports overview, all created monthly reports are listed to the auditor (and can be opened directly from there at any time, unless they have already been created once) and remain there for automatic monthly generation until you delete them. The settings for a monthly report can also be changed there afterwards. In addition, monthly reports can be paused if necessary.
If a particular report is needed more often, you can save its desired settings as a report template first, and create a new report based on the report template each time as needed. This way, the settings for the report do not have to be specified each time. An existing report template can also be copied to serve as the basis for a new report template.
- All options for reports are also available via the DRACOON API. In this way, for example, a script can be programmed that generates reports automatically with predefined parameters (e.g. filters).
Who is allowed to create reports and manage created reports?
To create and manage reports, only users with role auditor. This restriction, any required data protection requirements in companies can be by ensuring that system administrators (i.e. users with the role of users with the role of Configuration Manager) do not automatically events and user actions in DRACOON, which may contain personal data of disclose personal data of DRACOON users (e.g. file names and usage times) - this permission can be delegated to a dedicated user with the role of auditor delegated.
Report types
In DRACOON, you have access to several types of reports that you can create about different units, such as:
- Event log - The report contains a list of important events events that have occurred in an environment.
- User activity - The report contains a list of important actions performed by a user in a specific data room or the entire environment.
- Data room permissions - The report provides information on which users and groups can access data rooms and with which authorisations.
- User permissions - The report provides information about the authorisations that users have for data rooms.
- Group permissions - The report provides information about the authorisations that a group has for data rooms.
- Group membership - The report provides information about the members and which groups they belong to.
- User overview - The report lists all users in an environment.
- Group overview - The report lists all groups in an environment.
Reports on several entities:
There are certain reporting functionalities that can be applied not only to one entity such as a data room, a user or a group, but to all of them in an environment. These include:
- Data room permissions
- User permissions
- Group permissions
As soon as you click on one of these options, you will be shown the following possibilities. The example shown here is carried out with data room permissions:
If you select the first option, you will not be asked any further questions and can select the desired format of the report (either CSV or CSV with semicolon) and then the desired storage location for the report.
However, if you select the second option, you will be asked to select a specific data room:
This rule also applies to user and group permissions.
Note: If a report is too large to be contained in a single CSV file, it will be split into two or more files and saved in the desired location. If you only receive a single CSV file, it will be displayed as such. However, if you receive more than one file, a folder will be created in the previously selected storage location in which you will find all your report files. This rule only applies if the reports created consist of more than one file.
Create new report
- Click Settings in the left sidebar. and then at the very bottom click Reports.
- If you want to create a one-time report, click in the right-hand Sidebar on New one-time report.
If the command New unique report or. New monthly report is not visible, there are probably existing reports are selected - then uncheck all the checkboxes in front of the reports so that no report is selected anymore.
- Click the top button on the right. Create report (in the line. Event log):
- DRACOON currently provides two types of reports: Event Log and User Activity.
The only differences between the two are that in the User Activity report, a specific user must be selected. must be selected, and in the Event Log report, not necessarily. (however, it is equally possible) and that the report. User activity cannot be limited to specific events/actions. can be narrowed down. Thus, since the Event Log report. report provides the most flexibility, it is recommended that you generally use this to use. - If you have already defined report templates, you can also create the new report based on one of your report templates - in which case you will need to change those settings that are already in the report template do not have to be made manually for the new report. manually for the new report. In this case, click on the button Create report to the right of the desired report template. (at the bottom of the page).
- DRACOON currently provides two types of reports: Event Log and User Activity.
- A form will be displayed where you can create the report with the following characteristics. customize and then create it:
Report name (required field)
Replace the default "event log" (or "user activity") with. a meaningful label that describes the purpose of your report.The report name will be used as the file name for the report files as well as displayed in the list of created reports and on the title page of a report in PDF format.
Report formats (required field)
Select the checkboxes for each desired format in which the Report should be generated; at least one format must be selected:A separate file of the report is generated for each format selected.
The CSV format results in a plain text file with rows whose columns are separated by comma or semicolon. CSV files can be imported by numerous programs programs to process and analyze the data contained in the file. analyze. -
Report location (required field)
Click Select report storage location to specify a Data space as the storage destination where the report files should be automatically stored after Report files should be automatically stored after generation:You can select any data space from your DRACOON environment for the for the finished report, i.e. even a data room to which you do not have access yourself have no access rights. Please keep in mind that all users, who have access rights to the selected data room will be able to view the generated reports! Reports will be able to view!
Monthly execution day of the report (Required field for monthly reports, not available for one-time reports)
By default, a monthly report is generated on every 1st day of a month and thus always includes the complete past calendar month. If you would like the report to be generated on a different day of a month specify it in the day field in the Day in the month on which the report will be automatically generated. field.- A monthly report always covers the past month, starting from the specified execution day (e.g., April 15 through and including May 14. May, if the execution day is set to the 15th of a month).
- If a month has fewer days than the specified day, the Report in this month will be automatically generated on the last day of the month. (for example, on February 28, if the execution date was set to the 31st of the month). was set).
. By default, a report contains the activities of all users in your DRACOON environment. If you want the report to include only the activities of a specific user you should enter the name of the desired user in the field User field, and click the user listed in the search result to select him or her for the report. User to include it for the report. Example:Only one user can be selected per report.
Data room
. By default, a report contains the activities in all data rooms of your DRACOON environment. If you want the report to include only the activities in a specific data rom, click Select data room:. Then, in the dialog box that appears, select the data room you want, and click the Select button.
Since it is possible to select from all the data rooms in your environment, there may be many data rooms listed. In this case, you can quickly find the data room you want by typing its name in the search box entering its name in the search field above the list, and then clicking the desired entry in the search result. Example:
Only one data room can be selected per report.
Reporting period (Required field for one-time reports, not available for monthly reports)
The reporting period for one-time reports specifies the time frame that the Report should cover - only events that occurred from the selected start date and up to and including selected end date occurred in DRACOON, are included in the report.
By default, the last 16 days are preset as the reporting period. Click on the calendar icon in the Start Date field or. End Date if you want to select a different time period for the report. you want to select:- The reporting period can go back at most as far as the Audit log retention time. is set in DRACOON. So, for example, if you select as reporting period the last 365 days, but the audit log should be retained for only 180 days, the report will include only the events of the last 180 days.
- For monthly reports, no reporting period can be specified - here, the report will always include the past month, starting from the requested execution date (e.g. April 15 to May 14 incl, if the 15th of a month was specified as the execution date).
By default, a report contains all types of events and user actions. If you wish, you can limit a report to up to 5 different types of events and user actions - for example, if for a particular report only deletion actions only deletion actions that have occurred are relevant. In this case, click on Select actions:. A dialog box appears where you can select the types of events and actions to be included in the report. that should be included in the report. Finally click the Select button in the dialog box.
Note that the selection list of actions is larger than is apparent at first apparent at first glance - scroll down the list if necessary, to see all available entries.
- When you have made all the desired settings for the report, click the button at the top right of the page. Run report to have DRACOON generate the report. have it generated.
If the Execute report button is not active, not all mandatory information for the report has been provided yet. Check at the top of the form that you have entered at least one report format (step 6 above) and the report location (step 7 above) have been selected.
Show finished one-time report
- - After you have created a one-time report in DRACOON, it will be added to the list of your one-time reports (under Settings > Reports > One-time reports) and immediately afterward it will be generated by the report service of your DRACOON environment.
- The time to complete the report can range from a few seconds to several minutes, and depends mainly on the size of your environment (number of users and files as well as the number of events/actions in the audit log). events/actions present).
- As long as the one-time report is being generated and is not yet completed is not yet completed, the report will display in the Status column the entry. "In progress" is displayed: - Periodically refresh the view in the browser (e.g. by pressing F5) until "Completed" is displayed as the status of the report. is displayed.
The report status view is not automatically refreshed after a one-time report has been completed. A changed report status will only be visible when you refresh the view in the browser. If you do not refresh the page manually, the report status may still show as report status is still "In progress", although the one-time report has one-time report has long since been completed.
- After completion of the one-time report (status "Completed"). the generated report files are in the data room, which was selected during the report creation. had been selected. To open the data room in question and access the report files, click on the right side of the report row on the the Show location button:
If a data room is selected for the report, to which you yourself do not have have access rights to, its content will not be displayed after clicking the button button will not be displayed.
- The data space where the report was stored is displayed. If the report was generated in PDF format, it can be opened and viewed directly in the DRACOON Web App to be opened and viewed. Report files in CSV format can be opened with opened and viewed with a program on your computer (e.g. Excel or Editor). be viewed.
View finished monthly report
- - After you have created a monthly report in DRACOON, it will be added to the list of your monthly reports (under Settings > Reports > Monthly Reports) and generated as soon as the day in the month is reached that has been set for the report.
- As long as the report has not yet been generated, the report will have the following information in the Last Execution column, the report will display the entry "No Execution". is displayed. - After completion of the monthly report, in the column. Last run displays the date on which the report was was generated. The generated report files are located in the data room, that was selected when the report was generated. To open the relevant To open the data room in question and access the report files, click on the right-hand in the report line on the right on the button Show location:
If a data room is selected for the report, to which you yourself do not have have access rights to, its content will not be displayed after clicking the button button will not be displayed.
- The data space where the report was stored is displayed. If the report was generated in PDF format, it can be opened and viewed directly in the DRACOON Web App to be opened and viewed. Report files in CSV format can be opened with opened and viewed with a program on your computer (e.g. Excel or Editor). be viewed.
Share report
In certain scenarios, it may be necessary for the auditor to share a generated report and make it available to others - for example, management, the legal department, or a room administrator who has requested a room log of their data room from the auditor. For example, the following options are available for sharing:.
- Specifying a target data space when creating the report, to which the Which the desired people are already authorized to access. In this In this case, once the report has been generated, no further actions are once the report has been generated in the target data space, all the people has been generated, all persons corrected to the room will be able to view the report.
- Adding the desired people to the data room, in which the report has been created (please note that persons added to a room always have access to all files in the room). can)
- Release the report file and then share the share link with the desired persons
- copying or moving the report file from the data room to another data room that the the desired persons are authorized to access (it may be necessary to create such a data such a data room for this purpose first be created for this purpose).
Privacy Notice: Since reports may contain sensitive user information can contain sensitive user information (e.g. login times or file names used), please be sure to be sure to follow any privacy policies of your organization when sharing, and make sure that only authorized persons can access the reports. can access the reports.
List of created unique reports
- Click Settings in the left sidebar. and then click Reports at the very bottom to display the list of created unique reports.
- The list of created one-time reports shows all one-time reports, that have been created in the last 7 days.
- For each report, the report name, report type, status, and creation date are listed.
- In the search field above the list, you can search for a report with a specific name. With the two fields next to it, you can filter the list by report type and status respectively.
- When you select a report, the right sidebar will display the settings that were defined for the report when it was created. were made. For example, when in doubt, you can check which filters (e.g. User, Period) have been defined for a particular report.
Example of a report containing all logon events from 01.01.-07.09.2021. contains: - To access a report, click on the right side of the report row on the Show location button:
After that, the data space is displayed where the report files were stored after the Creation had been stored.If a data space has been selected for the report, to which you do not have access rights have access rights to, its content will not be displayed after clicking the button button will not be displayed.
- If you want to remove one or more reports from the list (e.g. a test report that you no longer want to appear), select it(s), and then click in the right sidebar on Remove from List.
- If you remove a report from the list, only the entry will be is removed, but the associated report files are not deleted - so the report itself will still be available in the corresponding data available.
- After 7 days, reports are automatically removed from the list (the Report files themselves, however, remain unaffected).
List of created monthly reports
- Click Settings in the left sidebar. then at the very bottom click on Reports and then on the tab. Monthly reports tab to see the list of monthly reports created. Reports to display.
- The list of created monthly reports shows all active monthly Reports that are running (or temporarily paused) on a monthly basis.
- For each report, the report name, report type, status, and last Execution date is listed.
- In the search field above the list, you can search for a report with a specific name to search for. With the two fields next to it, you can filter the list by report type and status respectively.
- When you select a report, the right sidebar will display the settings that were defined for the report when it was created. were made. For example, when in doubt, you can check which filters (e.g. User, Event type) have been defined for a particular report.
- To change the settings of a monthly report for the next execution select the report in the list, and click Button> in the right sidebar. right sidebar, click Edit. Then make the desired changes to the report settings, and finally click on the click Save in the upper right corner to save the new settings for the report. for the report. The new settings will be applied the next time you run the report. then the new settings are applied.
- To call an already generated monthly report (in the column. Last run is the date of the last run), in the row of the report, click the button on the right. Show location:
After that, the data space is displayed where the report files were stored after the Creation had been stored.If a data space has been selected for the report, to which you do not have access rights have access rights to, its content will not be displayed after clicking the button button will not be displayed.
Pause, reactivate or terminate monthly report.
If you temporarily do not need a created monthly report and want to suspend its execution, you can pause it. It will then remain inactive until you reactivate it.
. If you permanently no longer need a created monthly report and do not want it to run in the future, you can delete it.
- Click Settings in the left sidebar, then at the very bottom click on Reports and then on the tab. Monthly reports tab to see the list of monthly reports created. Reports to display.
Select your desired action:
Pause monthly report
.Highlight the monthly report you would like to pause and click in the right sidebar on. Pause.
In the Status column, the report will then say. Paused, and the report will stop running every month until you run on a monthly basis until you reactivate it.Reactivate paused monthly report
.Select the paused monthly report that you want to run monthly again in the future to be run again in the future, and click in the right sidebar click Start execution.
Exit monthly report
.Highlight the monthly report that you no longer need and that you no longer want to run permanently, and click on Right Sidebar. Right sidebar, click Delete.
When you terminate a monthly report and thus delete it from the list, only the entry is removed and the report will not be run in the future, the associated report files generated from previous executions of the report are not report are not deleted - the earlier generated reports themselves are still themselves are therefore still available in the relevant data room.
Create report template
If a report with certain criteria is needed on a regular basis, it is recommended to define a report template with these criteria. Then, a report can be conveniently created based on this report template as needed, automatically using the criteria stored in the report template for the new report and eliminating the need to manually redefine the criteria each time a report is created.
- Click Settings in the left sidebar, then at the very bottom click on Reports and then on the tab. Report templates.
- Click on next to New Report Template. Create.
- Under Execution, select whether you want to create a report template for a report to be run once or monthly, and click Next.
- Under Contents of the report, select whether this events should be in your DRACOON environment (preselected and recommended) or all the activities of a specific user should be included, and click on Next.
DRACOON currently provides two types of reports: Event Log and User Activity.
The only differences between the two are that in the report. User Activity a specific user must be selected. and in the Event Log report not necessarily (but it is also possible) and that the equally possible) and that the User Activity report is not cannot be narrowed down to specific events/actions. Thus, since the Event Log report provides the most flexibility, it is recommended to use this one as a rule and to use the preselection Events to apply. - A form is displayed in which you can define your desired settings for the report template can define. When you are finished, click Save report template below the form.
- You do not need to fill in all the fields displayed for the report template those settings that you do not store in the report template can then be can then be defined each time a new report is created on the basis of the a new report is created based on the report template.
- A description of the individual settings can be found above under Create new report.
Create new report based on report template
- Click Settings in the left sidebar, then at the very bottom on Reports and then on the tab. Report templates.
- In the row of the report template that will serve as the basis for your new report, click the Create Report button.
- A form with settings for the new report is displayed - the Form is pre-filled with the settings from the report template. If necessary, you can modify individual settings for the new report so that they differ from the settings in the report template (the report template itself remains unchanged). (the report template itself remains unchanged).
- When you are done, click the button in the upper right corner. Execute Report.
If the Execute report button is not active. is not active, not all mandatory information for the report has been provided yet. Check at the top of the form that you have specified a report name and at least selected a report format and the report location.
Edit report template
If necessary, you can change the settings of a report template at any time. Reports created based on the report template in the future will then use the changed settings.
- Click Settings in the left sidebar, then at the very bottom click on Reports and then on the tab. Report templates.
- In the row of the report template whose settings you want to change, click on the you want to change, click on the button and. then click on Edit.
- Modify the report template settings as desired.
- At the bottom of the page, click. Save Report Template to apply your changes.
. If the button is not visible, first click on. Set Standards.
When you edit a report template, it does not affect any reports already reports created on the basis of the report template - their settings remain unchanged.
Copy report template
If a report template already exists whose settings are suitable as a basis for another planned report template (and only need to be slightly modified for this one), you can copy an existing report template.
- Click Settings in the left sidebar, then at the very bottom click on Reports and then on the tab. Report templates.
- In the row of the report template you want to copy, click on the button and. then on copy.
- In the Copy Report Template dialog box, enter a new name for the copy of the report template, and click on. Copy.
- Edit the new, copied report template to adjust its settings customize it (see above).
Delete report template
When you no longer need a report template, you can delete it.
- Click Settings in the left sidebar, then at the very bottom, click Reports and then the Report templates tab.
- In the row of the report template you want to delete, click on the button and then click on Delete.
- Confirm the security prompt by clicking Delete.
If you delete a report template, this has no effect on already created reports on the basis of the report template - these remain unchanged.
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