This article informs you about a change in version 4.5 of DRACOON for Windows/Mac. It is relevant for you only if there are users in your DRACOON environment who use DRACOON for Windows/Mac and want to create or modify files in data rooms where they have no delete permission.
What has been changed in DRACOON for Windows/Mac?
Starting with version 4.5, DRACOON for Windows/Mac opens data rooms as read-only if the user has no delete permission for files/folders in the data room.
What is the benefit of this change?
Already up to now, users of DRACOON for Windows/Mac needed the Delete files and folders permission in the data room to be able to store files in it.
The change makes it possible that in the absence of this permission, for example, Microsoft Word can already display a note when opening a document that the file can only be opened read-only and therefore cannot be changed and only viewed.
With previous versions of DRACOON for Windows/Mac, such a file could apparently be opened for editing without any problems, and only when saving the changes the problem appeared that the file could not be saved because the delete permission was missing.
The planned change thus prevents users from making changes to files that cannot be saved, and more helpful notifications about the problem can be displayed in advance.
Why is delete permission needed in a data room to store files in it?
Users of DRACOON for Windows/Mac need (already now) the following three permissions in a data room to store files there:
- Read files and folders
- Edit files and folders
- Delete files and folders
The cause for this requirement is the file versioning of DRACOON: If a file in a data room is saved after making changes, the previous version of the file is saved in the recycle bin of the data room as an earlier file version (thus first "deleted"). That's the reason why the Delete files and folders permission is required to save a new version of a file in DRACOON.
What needs to be done because of this change?
If you have users who use DRACOON for Windows/Mac and should use it to create or modify files in data rooms where the users do not have all three of the above permissions:
Inform the room administrators of all data rooms that users also need the Delete files and folders permission in the data room to be able to save files in it with DRACOON for Windows/Mac. Ask the room administrators to check the permissions of the users in each data room and, if applicable, also grant them the Delete files and folders permission (in addition to the Read files and folders and Edit files and folders permissions).
If a user is given the Delete files and folders permission, he still cannot permanently delete files (from the recycle bin)—to do this, he would also need the Remove deleted items and file versions permission, but by default, only room administrators have this permission. Thus, giving users the Delete files and folders permission does not pose a data loss risk.
For DRACOON cloud users
On the DRACOON cloud, the easiest way to make the required change is to assign the Edit access right to a user—this already combines the three individual required permissions (including Delete files and folders).
For on-premises users
For on-premises environments, the Delete files and folders permission must be explicitly assigned to the user in the data room.
How can I get help or support?
If you have any further questions about this change or need assistance with any necessary adjustments, please contact our support team.
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