This information is relevant for DRACOON administrators (with the role Configuration Manager) with the contract Enterprise Cloud.
To do: Specify a mail signature for your DRACOON environment
Since March 2020, the mail signature of your DRACOON environment is obtained from your self-administered DRACOON branding. Please sign in to the DRACOON Branding web application and check if the desired mail signature is specified there. If necessary, create a new mail signature so that emails sent by DRACOON contain your desired signature in the future.
Email messages from DRACOON
When using DRACOON, email messages are sent by DRACOON on certain events—for example, newly created users receive a welcome email with a link to their first login, or share links can be sent to desired recipients via email using the DRACOON Web App.
Previously: Plain-text emails with the option to have them customized by the DRACOON team—Optional usage of a custom mail server
- The email messages sent by DRACOON in the past were plain-text messages, which therefore did not allow any styling (such as logo or colors).
- If a customized email signature was needed, it had to be sent to the DRACOON team, which then made the corresponding changes to the mail templates. This process had to be repeated every time a signature change was required.
- In the DRACOON Web App, a custom mail server could be specified in the system settings for sending email messages via DRACOON.
New since March 2020: HTML-based emails with your company logo—Signature self-service via DRACOON Branding—Creator of a share is displayed as sender—Emails are sent via external service provider
New: HTML-based emails with buttons and customized elements such as logo, colors, and signature
- Email messages sent by DRACOON are now in HTML format. This makes the email messages look more attractive and also easier to read for the recipient.
- The company logo that you have stored in your DRACOON branding for the web app will now be displayed at the top of your email messages. For the display of buttons in email messages, the accent color defined in your branding will be used.
- The signature for email messages can also be defined by yourself in the DRACOON branding and can be changed at any time without the need to reach out to the DRACOON team as before. The signature can also be specified in several languages.
- Up to now, all emails sent by DRACOON always showed the name of your DRACOON environment as sender and the default email address that was specified in your DRACOON system settings was used. In the future, the name of the specific user who has sent a share link will be displayed as the sender. As a result, it is now possible to identify the person who sent the email and who created the share link that was sent.
- In the future, users of the DRACOON cloud will no longer be able to send emails via their own mail server. Instead, emails will now be sent via the Secure Email Gateway of the service provider Retarus, which meets the highest security requirements.
This change ensures that email messages sent by DRACOON always reach the desired recipients and do not accidentally end up in their spam folders—a common scenario so far. Furthermore, this avoids communication and configuration problems with custom email servers.
The address is always used as the sender's address. However, the email address of the specific DRACOON user who initiated the sending of the email (e.g. by creating a share) is still used as the reply address—thus, if someone replies to the email received from DRACOON, the reply will be directed to the right DRACOON user (creator of a share, for example).
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