Release date: November 22, 2019
About this release
Version 5.6 of DRACOON for Outlook for DRACOON cloud users includes support for S3 direct upload, minor improvements, and bug fixes.
New feature
- Starting with DRACOON Core version 4.16, S3 direct upload is available. If you have connected S3 strorage to DRACOON, files will then be uploaded directly to the S3 storage without having to take a detour to the DRACOON storage first.
DRACOON for Outlook 5.6 now includes client-side support for S3 direct upload so that it can be automatically used with DRACOON Server 4.16 or later.
Minor improvements and optimizations
- Version 5.6 of DRACOON of Outlook contains several minor improvements. For example, DRACOON for Outlook now remembers the last used folder on the hard disk when uploading and sharing files. If existing password-protected shares are reused and sent, the user is now informed that the share is password-protected and that he must also transmit the password to the recipient so that the share can be used successfully. Log files are now automatically deleted after 14 days.
Bug fixes
- Version 5.6 of DRACOON for Outlook fixes 4 problems that could occur in previous versions. For example, if a file was shared with DRACOON for Outlook and uploaded to an encrypted data room, the upload of the file could fail with a server error. As a result, the share could not be created. For a complete list of bug fixes, refer to the technical release notes (see below).
Technical release notes
The technical release notes list all changes in this release:
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