We here at DRACOON have the self-assigned mission to protect our customers' data and provide them with the necessary tools to achieve full self-determination over their digital assets. It is our belief that only strong cryptography (in contrast to organizational measures) can ensure the necessary level of security to reach our goal.
However, providing cryptography as a black box requires the users to put their trust in the designer of the system and hope that the person or organization is honest. DRACOON does not require our customers to count on our honesty. We want to prove that our cryptography implementations do not contain any backdoors or other means to decrypt our customers' data without their consent.
Therefore, DRACOON steps forward with our Open Source Dedication and releases all client-side crypto implementations publicly as open source software under the Apache License, Version 2.0 in form of SDKs (Software Development Kit) on GitHub:
Maintenance policy and license
We provide all OSS (Open Source Software) free of charge and without warranty under the Apache License, Version 2.0. This means you are free you to use our software in any type of project (private, open source or proprietary) and are not required to disclose the source regardless of if the source is modified or not.
We strive to remove any bugs or issues from the SDKs whenever we become aware of them. However, even though we use our SDKs ourselves, we do not guarantee public bug fixes within a specific time window for known issues.
Contribution and community
Since we dedicate our OSS to the Open Source Community we are willing to accept external contributions for changes, fixes, suggestions and extensions that you may want to share with us and the public community. If you want to let us know about improvements we could implement or issues we should fix, please let us know in the public GitHub issue tracker of the respective project.
If you can provide us with an implementation for a bugfix or an extension that you are willing to share please do so by creating a Pull Request in the repository you'd like to contribute to. We will review your addition to our project and either merge the request or provide you with feedback on why we did not. Usually there should be only two reasons we would not accept a pull request: Either the added code itself contains bugs and doesn’t fit our coding standards or you submitted an addition that does not fit our concept for the software project.
If you have ideas for a DRACOON open source project or want to discuss with like-minded people we suggest that you post on our Development Community Board where our developers are eager to get in contact with you.
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