Data rooms
Tap ☰ and then All Files:
A list of all data rooms that you have access to will be displayed:
Creating a data room
You can add new items to your DRACOON by tapping .
If you are currently in the uppermost level of DRACOON (the data room list), the dialogue field Create room will immediately appear, prompting you to create a new data room on the uppermost level:
Enter the new name in the field Room name and tap OK to create the new data room.
If you are in a deeper hierarchy level (e.g. within a data room), the following menu will appear when tapping the plus button:
To create a subordinate data room, tap Create room.
- The command Create room is not available if you are currently in a folder since data rooms cannot be created within folders. If this is the case, switch to the uppermost level of the data room to see this command.
- The command Create room is also not available if you don’t have the permission to create data rooms.
Renaming data rooms
To rename a data room, do the following:
- Tap and hold on the data room that you want to rename for about two seconds.
- A pencil icon will appear in the header bar (marked here in black). Tap this pencil icon.
- Change the data room’s name and confirm by tapping OK.
Deleting data rooms
To delete a data room, including all subordinate data rooms and folders, do the following:
- Tap and hold on the data room that you want to delete for about two seconds.
- A recycle bin icon will appear in the header bar (marked here in black). Tap this icon.
- Confirm by tapping OK.
Creating folders
Create a folder by following these steps:
- Locate the place in the data room hierarchy in which you want to create a folder (to do so, continue selecting subordinate items until you reach the desired location).
- Tap the plus button .
- Tap
- Enter the name of the new folder and tap OK.
You cannot create a folder in the uppermost level of DRACOON. If the command Create folder is not available, switch to a data room by selecting it in order to create a folder.
Renaming folders
Rename a folder by following these steps:
- Tap and hold on the folder that you want to rename for about two seconds.
- A pencil icon will appear in the header bar (marked here in black). Tap this pencil icon.
- Change the name of the folder and confirm by tapping OK.
Copying/moving a folder
To copy or move a folder, including all its contents, do the following:
- In the list of folders, tap and hold on the folder that you want to copy or move for about two seconds.
- Tap on the right side of the header bar.
- Select Copy or Move.
- Select the target data room or folder to which you want to copy or move the folder. The color of the header bar will change, indicating that you are currently selecting a target location:
- Tap the round button in the bottom right to start the process of copying or moving. As long as the button is grey instead of colorful you are at a location to where you cannot move or copy the folder. In this case, switch to a different data room or folder.
Deleting folders
To delete a folder, including all subordinate folders and folders, do the following:
- In the list of folders, tap and hold on the folder that you want to delete for about two seconds.
- Tap on the right side of the header bar.
- Select Delete.
- Confirm by tapping OK.
Uploading files to DRACOON
Follow these steps to upload files to DRACOON:
- Locate the folder or data room to which you want to upload a file (to do so, continue selecting subordinate items until you reach the desired location).
- Tap the plus button .
- Tap Upload file and select the file that you want to upload.
Tip: By tapping ☰ in the top left of the file selection screen you have access to your phone’s entire file system, as well as the files of other installed apps and cloud services.
Tap Upload photo and select the photo you want to upload.
Tap Upload video and select the video you want to upload.
Tap Take photo to take a photo or video that you want to upload.
If more than one photo or video applications are installed on your phone, a message will appear prompting you to choose an app from which you want to upload photos during your initial use of DRACOON.
A progress bar is shown during the upload. You can interrupt the upload by tapping Cancel.
Automatically upload camera captures
You additionally have the option of automatically having all photos and videos taken from your phone upload to DRACOON. This feature is not activated by default.
To activate this feature, do the following:
- Tap ☰, then Settings, and select Activate camera upload.
- Select a folder or data room in DRACOON where the photos and videos are to be automatically uploaded to. We suggest that you create a dedicated folder specifically for this purpose.
- You will be prompted to choose whether you also want to upload the photos and videos that you have already taken with your phone or if you only want to upload new captures. Select a choice as you desire.
The camera upload feature is now activated and will automatically backup your photos and videos.
- Photos and videos are also uploaded if the DRACOON app is running in the background. If the application isn’t open, photos and videos taken in the meantime will automatically be uploaded the next time you launch the application.
- By default, photos as well as videos will be uploaded. If you don’t want videos to be uploaded, you can change this by tapping ☰, then Settings, and then Elements to be uploaded.
- To avoid straining your mobile network data, by default your photos and videos are only uploaded when you are connected to a Wi-Fi network. To change this setting, tap ☰, then Settings, and then activate the option Upload photos via mobile network.
- If your administrator has blocked automatic camera upload, this feature will not be available in DRACOON for Android.
Opening files and making them available offline
To open a file from DRACOON:
- Tap a file (e.g. on the file name or on the file icon).
The file will be saved to the cache of DRACOON for Android on your device and can now be viewed offline (i.e. without an active Internet connection). Therefore, if you open the file once more by tapping it in the DRACOON app, it will immediately be displayed and does not have to be downloaded again.
- The grey check mark next to the file size indicates that the file has been downloaded to the cache of DRACOON for Android on your device and is available for offline viewing.
To find out how much storage is used by files stored offline, tap ☰ and then Settings. The field Current cache size indicates how much storage is used by your downloaded files. By selecting Clear cache, you can remove all downloaded files from your device (the actual files on DRACOON are not affected). They can be re-downloaded by tapping the files again.
- When opening files from an encrypted data room, you must first enter the decryption password. If you haven't done this yet, the following message will be displayed above the file list:
Tap Enter and enter your decryption password. The decryption password only needs to be entered once while the app is open. - App selection: A file is opened with the default app associated with the file type on your device when you tap the file name. If no default app has been set for the file type on your device, you will be asked each time which app you want to use to open the file. You can display this question about the app with which the file is to be opened at any time (even if a default app has already been defined) by using the Open with command. To do this, tap ⋮ to the right of the file you want to open, and then tap Open with.
Opening files from within another app
You can access your files stored in DRACOON from any third-party app on your Android phone without having to launch the DRACOON app.
The only requirement to do so is that the app in question support Android’s Standard Access Framework – into which DRACOON is integrated.
For example, here’s how to open a Word document stored in your DRACOON directly from the Microsoft Word application:
- Launch the Microsoft Word app.
- Tap Search.
- In the menu “Open from”, select DRACOON.
- The content of your DRACOON will now be listed. Select the Word document that you want to open (if necessary, work your way through your DRACOON hierarchy – i.e. data rooms and folders – until you reach the location in which the Word file is stored).
The Word document will be downloaded from DRACOON and opened in the Microsoft Word app, where you are now able to edit it.
Afterward, you can upload the document back to DRACOON by selecting Save as in the Microsoft Word app.
Saving files on your device
You can download a file located in DRACOON as a copy to your Android device and save it in any folder on the internal device memory or SD card.
To save a file that is in your DRACOON to a specific folder on your Android smartphone, follow these steps:
- Tap ⋮ to the right of the file you want to save.
- Tap Save to:
- Select the folder on your device where you want to store the file. You can select a folder that is either located in the internal device memory or on an SD card (if the device supports SD cards).
- Tap Save.
Viewing, adding, editing, and deleting file comments
Viewing existing file comments
If comments exist for a file, a balloon icon with the number of comments is displayed below the file:
- Tap ⋮ to the right of the file whose comments you want to view.
- Tap Comments.
- The existing comments of the file are displayed.
Adding a new file comment
- Tap ⋮ to the right of the file to which you want to add a comment.
- Tap Comments.
- At the bottom, in the Add comment field, enter your comment, and then tap the button with the arrow to the right of the input field to submit the comment.
Editing an existing file comment
You can only edit your own comments (that you had written yourself). You cannot edit the comments of other users.
- Tap ⋮ to the right of the file from which you want to edit a comment.
- Tap Comments to display the existing comments.
- Tap ⋮ to the right of the comment that you want to edit, and then tap Edit.
- You can now make changes to the comment as desired.
Deleting an existing file comment
You can only delete your own comments (that you had written yourself) in DRACOON for Android. Room administrators are allowed to delete any comments (also from other users) in their rooms in the DRACOON Web App.
- Tap ⋮ to the right of the file from which you want to delete a comment.
- Tap Comments to display the existing comments.
- Tap ⋮ to the right of the comment that you want to delete, and then tap Delete.
- A prompt appears asking if you really want to delete the comment. Confirm it by tapping Delete.
Renaming files
To rename a file, complete the following steps:
- Tap and hold on the file that you want to rename for about two seconds.
- A pencil icon will appear in the header bar (marked here in red). Tap this pencil icon.
- Change the file’s name and confirm by tapping OK.
Copying and moving files
To copy or move one file, complete the following steps:
- Tap and hold on the file that you want to copy or move for about two seconds.
- Tap on the right side of the header bar and then select Copy or Move.
- Select the target data room or folder to which you want to copy or move the file. The color of the header bar will change, indicating that you are currently selecting a target location:
- Tap the round button in the bottom right to start the process of copying or moving. As long as the button is grey instead of colorful you are at a location to where you cannot move or copy the file. In this case, switch to a different data room or folder.
To copy or move several files, complete the following steps:
- Tap and hold on one of the files that you want to copy or move for about two seconds.
- Select any additional files that you also want to copy or move. All selected files will be marked with a different background color, and the figure in the top left of the header bar shows the number of selected files.
- In the header bar, tap the copy icon (marked in black on the left) or the move icon (marked in black on the right):
- Select the target data room or folder to which you want to copy or move the file. The color of the header bar will change, indicating that you are currently selecting a target location:
- Tap the round button in the bottom right to start the process of copying or moving. As long as the button is grey instead of colorful you are at a location to where you cannot move or copy the files. In this case, switch to a different data room or folder.
Deleting files
To delete one file, complete the following steps:
- Tap and hold on the file that you want to delete for about two seconds.
- Tap on the right side of the header bar and then select Delete.
- Confirm the security prompt by selecting OK.
To delete several files, complete the following steps:
- Tap and hold on one of the files that you want to delete for about two seconds.
- Select any additional files that you also want to copy or move. All selected files will be marked with a different background color, and the figure in the top left of the header bar shows the number of selected files.
- In the header bar, tap the delete icon (marked here in red):
- Confirm the security prompt by selecting OK.
Displaying details/properties
To access additional information (details/properties) about a data room, folder, or file, do the following:
- Tap the information icon to the right of the respective element:
A popup window will appear, in which all information about the element is listed, e.g. file name, path, creator, or classification:
These details (e.g. file classification) cannot be edited within DRACOON for Android. If you want to change a detail, use the DRACOON web client to do so.
List view/preview images
By default, your DRACOON content is displayed as a list. Alternatively, you can change this setting and allow your files to be displayed as a grid of preview thumbnails, e.g. to get a better overview of a folder full of pictures.
To switch between list view and thumbnails, do the following:
- In the header bar, tap the grid icon (marked here in black):
The preview thumbnails are generated on your Android device. Therefore, the original image files first are downloaded to your device in the background in full size. Since this requires large amounts of data, creating preview thumbnails is only active over a Wi-Fi connection by default. You can change this in the application Settings by activating the option Load preview thumbnails over mobile data. Please note that activating this option can heavily strain your mobile data plan.
Sorting files
By default, your files stored in DRACOON are sorted alphabetically. You can select a different sorting, e.g. to display large files first or to easily find recently changed files. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Tap on the right side of the header bar.
- Tap Sort.
- Select your desired sorting method:
You can narrow down the files displayed in DRACOON to individual file types. Files that don’t correspond with the filter are ignored, giving you a better overview of your files. To define a display filter, complete the following steps:
- Tap on the right side of the header bar.
- Tap Filter.
- Select the desired filter none, document, image, audio, video):
When a filter is selected, the message “Active filter” will be displayed beneath the header bar. Tap X next to the message to deactivate the filter and display all files.
By using the search feature, you can quickly locate specific files in your DRACOON. In the header bar, tap the search icon (marked here in red) to search your data space:
After doing so, the search field will appear:
As soon as you start typing, your data space will be searched, and successively, more found elements will be displayed (in larger data rooms, it can take a while for all search results to be displayed).
- With every character that you type, the search will be narrowed down further.
- The search occurs in the hierarchy level in which you are currently located and includes all subordinate data rooms and folders. If you are searching from the uppermost level, your entire data space will be searched.
- Upper or lower-case letters produce the same search results.
- To produce search results that include the search term in the middle of the file name, add an asterisk (*) in front of the search term. Example: searching for *clients will display files such as docx, as well as new_clients.docx (it is not necessary to include an asterisk at the end of the search term).
- Tip: To quickly list all files in the current folder and all its subfolders, simply use * as a search term.
You can share individual files, folders, or even entire data rooms and make them available to other people. These people will receive a download link from which they can download the content make available to them. This allows you to comfortably exchange your files in the cloud with other people in a controlled manner.
To share content from your DRACOON data space, complete the following steps:
- Tap and hold the element that you want to share for about two seconds.
- In the header bar, tap the share icon (marked here in red):
- Confirm by tapping Create.
- Under Share link, select an installed application through which you want to share the link. (e.g. an email application, Skype, or WhatsApp):
- Send the message with the download link in the selected application to a desired recipient. You can add individual comments to the message before sending it, e.g. with a brief description of the download file.
- Elements released for download are marked with the following symbol (outlined in red here):
- When you share a folder, the recipient receives a ZIP file when downloading, including all the files in the shared folder and all subfolders of the folder. This allows you to share an entire folder hierarchy.
- When you release a data room, the receiver receives a ZIP file when downloading, which contains all folders and files in this data room. However, subordinate data spaces are not included for security purposes. Therefore, only one specific data space (without subordinate data spaces) can be released. If you also want to share the subordinate data spaces, you must create individual download shares for them.
- Please note: When downloading a shared folder or data room, the recipient always receives the respective status of the folder or data room at the time of download. Therefore, if other files have for example subsequently been added to the shared data room by another user, these are also included in the ZIP download.
- To remove a download share, use the web app (this is currently not possible in the Android app). In the Toolbox, click Download Links & Upload Accounts, and then click My Download Links. Then click Delete to the right of the download link you want to remove.
For additional security, DRACOON for Android includes the option of setting an individual PIN code for the DRACOON application. If the app hasn’t been used in a while, even though it was open (including running in the background), the PIN code must first be entered to gain access to the files stored in DRACOON. This has the advantage that you can set a specific passcode which applies only to the DRACOON app and is different from your device’s passcode.
To activate the app passcode, complete the following steps:
- Tap ☰ and then select Preferences/Settings.
- Select Activate passcode.
- Choose a four-digit number that you want to set up as your passcode. Tip: For maximum security, choose a combination of numbers that you use exclusively for DRACOON.
- For security reasons, verify your passcode by typing it in a second time.
- The passcode is now activated.
- You can choose the amount of time of inactivity after which the passcode is to be requested to continue using the app. To do so, tap ☰, then Preferences/Settings, and then select Lock automatically. Five time intervals are available, from 30 seconds to 30 minutes.
- For maximum security, it is advised that you regularly change your passcode. To do so, tap ☰, then Preferences/Settings, and then select Change passcode.
- If you no longer want to use the passcode, tap ☰, then Preferences/Settings, and then select Deactivate passcode. Type in your passcode one more time to verify that you are authorized to deactivate it.
- If you have forgotten your passcode, you can reset it from the login screen. However, when doing so, for reasons of security all DRACOON-related files (e.g. downloaded files) will be removed from your device. You will have to reenter your login information to access your data.
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